Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS (IPMech RAS) Русский Русский
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MainStructureLaboratoriesFluid Mechanics

Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics

Research Topics

  • development of a "Differential of fluid mechanics" – the new generation of agreed analytical, numerical and experimental models of flows in natural and industrial environments;
  • improving the stands included in "HPC IPMech RAS" and experimental research of the dynamics and structure of stratified and/or rotating fluids on the stands, including jets, wakes, vortices, multicomponent convection, internal and surface gravity, capillary and acoustic waves in the thickness and on the free surface of the fluid;
  • development and testing of new visualization techniques, remote and contact measurements of fluids and gases flows; investigation of the mechanisms of formation and restructuring patterns of currents, vortices, internal gravity waves and acoustic waves in the thickness and on the free surface of fluids, including the formation and absorption of droplets, processes of transfer of matter, momentum, energy;
  • development of methods for the transfer of technology and results of theoretical and experimental simulation of flows in natural and industrial conditions;
  • implementation of special initiative and research projects on assignments of the interested domestic and foreign partners;
  • organizing of national and international seminars, symposia, conferences on fluid mechanics;
  • development of REC "Fluxes and structures in fluids" of the IPMech RAS – MSU; trainings for undergraduate and graduate students, specialists.


fluid mechanics, unique experimental setup, dynamics, structure, universal models, high speed and high-resolution visualization of currents, stratification, jets, wakes, vortices, waves (inertial, gravitational, acoustic, hybrid), gradient flows.


PersonalityDegreePositionRoomPhone (int)Phone (ext) 
Yuli ChashechkinD.Sc., ProfessorHead of Laboratory331
+7 495 434 0192chakin
Aleksandr Grigor'evD.Sc.Leading Researcher13514-62+7 495 434 6063grigorai
Victor ProkhorovPh.D.Leading Researcher13514-62+7 495 434 6063prohorov
Roman BardakovPh.D.Senior Researcher25713-93+7 495 434 1487bard
Andrey IlynyhPh.D.Senior Researcher25313-97+7 495 434 3508ilynykh
Artem OchirovPh.D.Senior Researcher25313-97+7 495 434 3508ochir