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N.G. Bourago (Burago) : demo results for code ASTRA

Large deformations of solids, moving grids, quasi-statics: Forming; Forging ; Sintering

Damage processes: Failure under compression; Failure under tension

Large deformations of solids, moving grids, dynamics: Difraction.htm; Axisymmetric collided ball_and_plate; 2D Collided plates; 3D collided; Impact1; Impact2; Explosion_1; Explosion_2

Unsteady supersonic ideal gas flows: Shock wave meets CFD-obstacle; Supersonic flow around cone; Supersonic flow around two obstacles. Overlapped moving adaptive grids.; Flows with reflected shocks. Moving adaptive grids.

Incompressible viscous fluid flows: Conv2dc; Bridgman Crystal Growth; Czochralski Crystal Growth - 1; Czochralski Crystal Growth - 2; Czochralski Crystal Growth - Vibrational flow; Jets; Karman street; Rayleigh-Benard convection; Ostrogorski Crystal Growth - rotational flow; Stefan problem - 1; Stefan problem - 2; Czochralski Crystal Growth; Epitaxy problem; 3D Convection - 1; 3D Convection - 2; 3D Convection - 3; Candle smoke - 1; Candle smoke - 2

Continuous and discrete markers for viscous flows: Droplet; Droplet2; Waterfall; Streams; Floor-to-floor flow; Fountain

Shallow water flows: Tidal waves in Onega Bay; Solitary wave propagates through deep place; Basin Filling Problem

Contaminant spreading by filtration underground flows Filtration - 1; Filtration - 2

Contact information:
[email protected] Web: http://www.ipmnet.ru/~burago Tel: +7 (095) 434-41-35  Fax: +7 (095) 938-20-48
Mail address: Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS, prospect Vernadskogo 101, b1, Moscow, 117526, Russia

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