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Lisovenko Dmitry S.
Education and Degrees:
- 1998-2003, "MATI" - Russian State University of Aviation Technology;
- 2003-2007, postgraduate, Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS;
- 2010, Ph.D., Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS;
- 2019, Dr. Habil, Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS;
- 2022, Professor RAS
Professional Status:
- Head of Laboratory of Mechanics of Technological Processes, Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS (2003 - to date);
- Professor, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (2014 - to date).
Previous place of work:
- Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (ex "MATI" - Russian State University of Aviation Technology) (2002 - 2017).
Personal page:
Honours, Awards and Prizes:
- I Award at competition of the best scientific works among young scientists of Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, 2009.
- II Award at competition of the best scientific works among young scientists of Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, 2010.
- Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with awards for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other Institutions, Organizations of Russia and for students of Institute of Higher Education of Russia, 2010.
- Head of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - PhD "МК-565.2012.1", 2012-2013.
- II Award at competition of the best scientific works among young scientists of Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, 2013.
- Medal "Science. Creation. Space of XXI Century" of Russia Cosmonautics Federation, 2014.
- II Award at competition of the best scientific works among young scientists of Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, 2014.
- Moscow Government Award for young scientists in the category of mathematics, mechanics and informatics, 2014.
- Head of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - PhD "МК-5891.2015.1", 2015-2016.
- Award for Excellence. Auxetics Young Researchers Forum 2016. International Conference "Auxetics-2016", Poland, 2016.
- Medal "Young Scientist" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2020.
- Anniversary medal "300 years of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2024.
Scientific interests:
- deformable solid mechanics,
- theory of anisotropic elasticity,
- elasticity of multiwalled carbon and non-carbon nanotubes,
- negative Poisson`s ratio, auxetics.
Contact information:
E-mail: lisovenk at ipmnet.ru
Web: http://www.ipmnet.ru/~lisovenk/
Mail address: Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, prospect Vernadskogo 101, b1, Moscow, 119526, Russia
Web IPM RAS: Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS