| A.A. Markov | Resume | Publications | Links |

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A.A. Markov : resume


Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics,(Doctorate), Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (Thesis: Numerical and Asymptotic Methods to Study the 3- D Viscous Flows of Gas and Liquid) Institute for Problems in Mechanics,1992

Professor, 1994

Associate Professor, 1985

Senior Scientist, Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Laboratory of Gas Dynamics, 1982

PhD., Physics and Mathematics, Institute for Problems in Mechanics. (Thesis: Asymptotic Investigation of Supersonic Flows at High Reynolds Number), 1972

Graduated from Moscow State Lomonosov University (MGU), Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Chair of Computational Mathematics. Diploma in Mathematics generally compares to the completion of four-year Batchelor of Science degree with a focus in mathematics, plus one year of graduate study in the same field. 1972

Ready to Teach Program Certificate. SAIT Calgary AB CA, 2009


1992-2013    Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow RUSSIA.(MGUPP)

1981-1991   Professor, Dept. of Appl. Math, State University of Aerospace Technology (MAI)

1992-now     Leading scientist, Lab. of Physical Gas Dynamics, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

1982-1992   Senior scientist, Lab. of Gas Dynamics, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

1968-1982   Research Fellow, Dept. of CFD, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


2014-2015 The University of Texac at Brownsville, USA, December 2014 - May 2015. Fulbright Visiting Research Professor.

Advanced Nanoscience Laboratory

2009 - present time. Research in Computational Fluid Dynamics in Carbon Combustion Synthesis of Oxides (SSCO) and Multi scale and multi temperature modeling of heat mass transfer in porous media with wide range of Knudsen numbers. Joint research with Dr. Karen Martirosyan Associate Vice President for Research Enhancement, Houston Endowed Chair in Science, Math and Technology, Professor of Physics, Director of Advanced Nanoscience Laboratory, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Advanced Nanoscience Laboratory

2013 The Darmstadt Technical University, Germany, February 2013. Guest lecturer.

2009-2010 South Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, Canada. Math Lecturer

2005 Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. University of California. Davis. USA, October 2006. Guest lecturer.

2003 The State University of NY at Buffalo. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. USA, December 2003. Guest lecturer.

2003 The Darmstadt Technical University, Germany, December 2003 (research).

2002 The Darmstadt Technical University, Germany, June 2002 (guest lecturer, research).

2001 The Darmstadt Technical University, Germany, March, April 2001 (Research and Lecture series in Graduate education program on Thermo fluid-mechanics -Graduiertenkolleg "Modellierung und Numerische Simulation technischer Stroemungen").

1995 The Darmstadt Technical University, Germany, September 1995 (guest lecturer).

1995 The Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium, September 1995 (guest lecturer).

1994 Europeans Gas Turbines Firm, Essen, Germany, May 1994 (guest lecturer).

1992 The Catholic University of America, Washington DC, March-April 1992 (guest lecturer).

1979 University of Bristol; (exchange program, Royal Society Russian Academy of Sciences), October 1979.

1979 Imperial College, London; (exchange program, Royal Society Russian Academy of Sciences), December 1979.

1979 University College, London; (exchange program, Royal Society Russian Academy of Sciences), November 1979.

1975 University of Bochum, Germany (exchange program) May 1975.

1975 Gottingen University, MaxPlank Institute for Fluid Dynamics Research (exchange program), April-June 1975.


Total number of publications is more than 130


Multi scale and multi temparature modelling of heat mass transfer in tubes and pores of submicrone diameter using the slip and jump approach for large Knudsen numbers. Computational Fluid Dynamics with application to Chemical Engineering and Material Science. High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) processes that use carbon as a fuel instead of a pure metal. Selfconsistant macro and micro-processes simulation using the interaction between macroscopic parameters of reactive multi component media and detailed micro-kinetics.


Courses Taught are as follows. State University of Aerospace Technology (MAI): Calculus. Ordinary Differential Equations. Differential Equations w/Partial Derivatives. The theory of Functions of Complex Variable. Computational Methods for Multi-dimensional Problems. Asymptotic Methods in Applied Math. Moscow State University of Food Production (MGUPP): Probability Theory and Math. Statistic. Numerical simulation of heat-mass transfer in multi phase reactive flow. Lectures above were delivered for undergraduate and graduate students


Member of EUROMECH.

Member of Moscow Central Club for Scientists of RAS.

A medal "850 years of Moscow foundation" (the decree of the President of Russian Federation of February 19, 1996).


[email protected] Site: http://www.ipmnet.ru/~markov/index.html Tel: +7 (495) 434-33-74 Fax: +7 (495) 938-20-48
Mailing address: IPMech RAS. Vernadskii ave. 101 b1, Moscow, 119526, Russia

Institute for Problems in Mechanics